Court Information

Court Details
Court's NameEastern District of Missouri
Release NameNextGen CM/ECF Release 1.7.2 (Revision 1.7.2)
ECF Go Live Date10/11/2003
Maximum PDF File Size50.0 MB
Maximum Merge Document Size500 MB
Threshold for Large Docket Sheet Warning (Entries)500
Case Number FormatO:YY-TY-#####-INI-RIN example: 4:24-cv-01042
RSS Feed
Docket entries of type: all
Last 24 hours' entries - Internet

Court Locations
Court's Name Eastern District of Missouri
Court's Address 111 South Tenth Street, Suite 3.300 St. Louis MO 63102
Court's Phone Number 314-244-7900
Court's Email Address
Court's Hours 8:30 A.M - 4:30 P.M. M-F
Court's Name Eastern District Of Missouri - SouthEastern Division
Court's Address 555 Independence, Cape Girardeau MO 63701
Court's Phone Number 573-331-8800
Court's Email Address
Court's Hours 8:30 A.M - 4:30 P.M. M-F

Court Offices
1Cape Girardeau
4St. Louis

Pacer Details
Pacer's AddressPACER Service Center, P.O. Box 780549, San Antonio, TX 78278-0549
Pacer's Phone Number(800) 676-6856 or (210) 301-6440 if residing in the San Antonio area
Pacer's Email

Flag Definitions
1stSTEPFirst Step Act
3582Reduce Sentence re Crack Cocaine
3Strikes3 Strikes for Frivolous Cases
782Reduce Sentence Re: Drug/Chemical Quantity Table
821Reduce Sentence re: Amendment 821
821-ProSePro Se Motion to Reduce Sentence re: Amendment 821
ADRAlternative Dispute Resolution
ADR-APPTADR Pro Bono Limited Scope Counsel Appt
ADR-NCNAlternative Dispute Resolution - Non-Certified Neutral
ADRCAlternative Dispute Resolution Completed
AO120Patent and Trademark AO Form
AO121Copyright AO form
ATTYNAAttorney not admitted PHV or to the Federal bar
BANNED_FILERBanned from future filings in this case
BCOSTBill of Costs
CASREF-DCase Referred Discovery
CASREF-PCase Referred Pretrial
CASREF-RCase Referred Review-Report/Recommendation
CICCameras in Courtroom
CJACJA Attorney
CLEMENCYGrant of Clemency
CLOSEDCase Closed
CONSDSConsolidated Case Discovery
CONSPTConsolidated Case Pretrial
CONSTRConsolidated case for Trial
DOCSCANDOC Scanning Program
DOE1704Doe Run 15cv1704
DORSEYReduce Sentence re Dorsey Crack Cocaine
DeathPenaltyCaseDeath Penalty Case
FEEDUEPrisoner filing fee due
FEEPDPrisoner filing fee paid
FORFEITForfeiture of Property
FULLCONFull Consent
HABEASHabeas Corpus
INTERPInterpreter Required
JOHNSONRelief Re: Johnson
LEADDSLead Case Discovery
LEADPTLead Case Pretrial
LEADTRLead Case Trial
LR 13.05Documents Filed Pursuant to Local Rule 13.05
MATHISMathis 2255 Cases
MDLMultidistrict Case
MDL 2382Multidistrict 12md2382
MDL 2993Multidistrict 21md2993
MDL1620Multidistrict 04md1620
MDL1672Multidistrict 05md1672
MDL1702Multidistrict 05md1702
MDL1736Multidistrict Case 06md1736
MDL1811Multidistrict Case 06md1811
MDL1811NPMultidistrict 06md1811 Non Producers
MDL1907Multidistrict 08md1907
MDL1964Multidistrict 08md1964
MDL2470Multidistrict 13md2470
MDL2562Multidistrict 14md2562
MDL2669Multidistrict 15md2669
MDL2820Multidistrict Case 18md2820
NFDCMNotice of Filing Deficiency (Case Management)
NFDCONotice of Filing Deficiency (Case Opening)
PROTOProtective Order
PSLC1ProSe Law Clerk 1
PSLC1-NOAProSe Law Clerk 1 - NOA
PSLC2ProSe Law Clerk 2
PSLC2-NOAProSe Law Clerk 2 - NOA
PSLC3ProSe Law Clerk 3
PSLC3-NOAProSe Law Clerk 3 - NOA
PSLC4ProSe Law Clerk 4
PSLC4 - NOAProSe Law Clerk 4 - NOA
PSLC5ProSe Law Clerk 5
PSLC5-NOAProSe Law Clerk 5 - NOA
PSLC6ProSe Law Clerk 6
PSLC6 - NOAProSe Law Clerk 6 - NOA
PSLCU-NOAPro Se Law Clerk Unassigned Notice of Appeal
PSLCUNAPro Se Law Clerk Unassigned
PTRCK1Preliminary Track 1 (Expedited)
PTRCK2Preliminary Track 2 (standard)
PTRCK3Preliminary Track 3 (complex)
R/RReport and Recommendation
R16Rule 16
REMANDRemand Case to Other Court
REOPENReopen Case
SEALEDCase Sealed
SOC-LCSocial Security Law Clerk
STAYEDCase Stayed
SuppressAnsRptSuppress case from Service and Answer Report
TAYLORRelief Re: Taylor
TRANSFTransfer Case
TRCK1Track 1 (Expedited)
TRCK2Track 2 (Standard)
TRCK4Track 4 (Administrative)
TRCK5Track 5 - Prisoner Case
TRCK5BTrack 5B - Prisoner case
TRCK5CTrack 5C - Prisoner case
U/ADVCase Under Advisement

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